Midterm Grades: The Cabinet


The end of the fall semester approaches, and with it comes thoughts of finals week, Christmas presents and New Year’s resolutions. For the cabinet, this time also gives us the opportunity to evaluate our performance thus far. At the beginning of the year, my cabinet and I outlined several goals for the school year. Now, at the halfway point, it is time for us to assess honestly how well we have executed our ideas. The following represents a synopsis of our goals, our self-evaluation and our midterm grades.

Student Body President – Samuel Tran

I outlined three goals at the start of my term: kaizen (or constant improvement), engagement and connection. Under kaizen, I would streamline meetings, conduct an internal audit and snap surveys, and document traditions. I wanted to see increased engagement throughout the city, around the globe and in the marketplace of ideas. I hoped to establish connections to our history, our professors and between you and me.

During the fall semester, I streamlined Council meetings and combined them with President’s meetings. While we have not performed a snap survey, we finished our internal audit as planned. On the engagement front, I don’t think I was able to  communicate opportunities effectively or to encourage you all to participate. As for connection, I also believe that I haven’t done as much as I could.

Midterm Grade: B+

Director of Communication – Joshua Linder

His three goals at the beginning of the year were developing a communications strategy between the Council and the student body, managing the student response to administrative changes and documenting our activities. He thinks he set a good precedent of student reaction to President D’Souza’s resignation and Hurricane Sandy, but the lack of concrete goals hindered further action.

Midterm Grade: B-

Director of Finance – Allison Bates

Her three goals included documenting expenditures and revenue, helping the Council spend well and assisting the Director of Communication in executing a communications strategy. Though she did not perform poorly, she feels like she could finish the job “tighter, faster and better.”

Midterm Grade: B-

Director of Student Events – Sarah Doyal

As part of her events strategy, she hoped to plan culturally engaging events, service events and intra-school events. Though the Art of Business event, Mr. TKC and Assassins went well, she lacked a team, hosted too few events and didn’t execute as well as hoped.

Midterm Grade: C

Director of Student Organizations – A.J. Aran

In his own words, “I legit did a horrible job this semester.” His goals included maximizing exposure of organizations, broadcasting external opportunities and exploring fundraising initiatives. He felt disconnected to the org presidents and failed to follow up with interested parties. Let me note also that he would not let me change his grade, and so it remains.

Midterm Grade: F

As a cabinet, our average midterm grade was a C. Do you agree with our assessment? Please let us know what you think and share your feedback with us. We welcome your questions, concerns, suggestions, comments and advice. I look forward to hearing your thoughts, and thank you in advance.