Launched in August 2010, the Empire State Tribune is the award-winning, independent student newspaper at The King's College in Downtown Manhattan. We exist to give the King's community news and information. We use tools such as writing, photography, video, graphic design, print, etc., to tell stories about the world, New York City, and the people at The King's College.


Journalism ethics and standards comprise principles of good practice in everyday reporting and news gathering. Where do we get ours from? The Society of Professional Journalists. Download their code here to learn more.


Students of The King’s College, join us at the EST to grow your journalistic talents, craft and put stories together and meet people who are just as passionate about journalism as you.

Sign up below for the EST



Myrian Garcia || Editor-In-Chief

LinkedIn || email: myrian.garcia@tkc.edu

Angelina Ispir || Social Media Editor

LinkedIn || email: angelina.ispir@tkc.edu

Evan Louey-Dacus || Opinion Editor

LinkedIn || email: evan.loueydacus@tkc.edu

Melinda Huspen || Managing Editor

LinkedIn || email: melinda.huspen@tkc.edu

Mandie-Beth Chau || Campus Editor

LinkedIn || email: mandie-beth.chau@tkc.edu

Eli Johnson || EST Weekly Editor & Theatre Columnist

LinkedIn || email: eli.johnson@tkc.edu

Lillian Brown || Magazine Editor

LinkedIn || email: lillian.brown@tkc.edu

Colby McCaskill || City Editor

email: colby.mccaskill@tkc.edu

Bethany Johnson || Photo Editor

LinkedIn || email: bethany.johnson@tkc.edu

Sofia Valdes || ESTV Executive Producer

LinkedIn || email: sofia.valdes@tkc.edu

Amara Pierre || Culture Editor

LinkedIn || email: indira.pierre@tkc.edu

Matthew Peterson || Podcast Executive Producer

LinkedIn || email: matthew.peterson@tkc.edu



Paul Glader

Paul Glader teaches courses in journalism, writing, and media entrepreneurship as an associate professor at The King’s College. He also is founding director of the McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute at King's.

He has written for countless publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Associated Press, Bloomberg, Business Week, and Forbes.com.

Clemente Lisi

Clemente Lisi is the affiliate professor of journalism and media at The King’s College in New York City, Co-Director of the NYC Semester in Journalism (NYCJ) and co-advisor of student publications.

He has been an editor at major metropolitan dailies such as The New York Post and The New York Daily News. He also served as a senior editor at ABCNews.com.