House of Reagan Takes on Wall Street Protestors


In an attempt to reason with Wall Street protestors and add a voice in the current Occupy Wall Street movement, members of the House of Reagan spent last Friday evening, Oct. 21st, in Zuccotti Park defending free market economics. Reagan men think the issues people are protesting are “really on the King’s ideological turf,” Reaganite Jonathan Clark ('12) said, “and we really want to put some of our education to work while  in New York City.”

So around 15 Reaganites, along with their cardboard Reagan cutout referred to as “Ronnie”, spent several hours talking with protestors about their views on everything from the economy's present state to minimum wage laws to efforts to restrict capitalism.

“Most of our Reaganite freshmen observed for a little while, and then went into the thick of things and started talking to anyone that would listen," Matt Moore ('13) said. "It certainly made me proud."

Notable events of the evening include Saddam Bello (‘14), originally from Mexico City, speaking with a Mexican protestor in Spanish and Jube Charles (‘14) performing a spoken word poem called “The Human Predicament” for protesters.

“The people are protesting against a fallen part of human nature,” Charles said. “The poem is proposing ideas on how to remake a fallen world.”

Reagan President Caz Crane ('13) took advantage of an opportunity to speak on behalf of the House and The King's College for Fox News.

“We want our voice to be heard along with the rest of the 99 percent,” Crane said.

Students seemed to have successfully engaged protestors and were able to reason with them in a professional, civilized manner.

“Their views are still different than mine,” protestor Emma Doyle said, “but talking with people calmly is always a good thing.”

One protestor, Gabriel West, said the debate “was the most fun I’ve had all week.”

Though protestors generally disagreed with King’s students (some more vehemently than others), many were still accepting of their ideas.

"It's good for people with opposing views to be here with us,” Protestor Kyle Rucker said.


The idea for this counter-protest emerged as Crane and a small group of Reagan men decided to attend the protest in Times Square two weeks ago. After  successfully convincing people to question their reasons for protesting, they decided to extend the idea to the rest of the house and take their ideas to Wall Street.

Members of Reagan agreed to attend the counter-protest after receiving an email invitation and then having a time of prayer as they left their apartments on Friday.

Crane described the night as successful because of “the large amounts of dialogue and conversations taking place” and said it was “fun House bonding time.”

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