A Community of Honor? What Students Say


Empire State Building, NEW YORK— The results of the honor survey are in: 194 students responded to the 14-question survey, meant to help Student Development evaluate the honor code and discover what students think about the current honor system. The majority of those polled were freshmen (33%) and sophomores (32%), followed by juniors (19.6%) and seniors (15.5%).

Notable responses include those to how the honor code shapes students' conduct, how many students have confronted a peer this year, and how many students have witnessed an underage peer drinking and did not confront him or her. Seventy-three students (37.6%) said they have seen a fellow student drinking underage and chose not to confront him or her, and 28.4% said the honor code "definitely" shapes their conduct. About 54% said the honor code "somewhat" shapes their conduct and 17.5% said the honor code definitely does not shape their conduct. About 63% said they have not confronted another student this year about a breach in the honor code or a community standard.

The complete responses are as follows:

If you could guarantee that only King's students would be present, would you feel comfortable leaving your iPod unattended overnight in the cafe?

Definitely: 34.5% Probably: 46.4% Probably Not: 14.4% Definitely Not: 4.6%

If you were confronted for a first, second, or third offense of the Honor Code or King's community standards, would you respond cooperatively?

Definitely: 57.7% Probably: 34% Probably Not: 7.2% Definitely Not: 1%

Would you turn yourself in for a breach of honor?

Definitely: 10.8% Probably: 41.8% Probably Not: 36.6% Definitely Not: 10.8%

At any time this school year, have you confronted another member of the King's community for violating the Honor Code or a community standard?

Yes: 36.6% No: 63.4%

If you knew that you could get away with it, would you plagiarize?

Definitely: 1% Probably: 2.6% Probably Not: 17.5% Definitely Not: 78.9%

Would you lie to protect a friend who committed an offense that you perceived as menial?

Definitely: 8.2% Probably: 24.7% Probably Not: 47.9% Definitely Not: 19.1%

Would you confront a friend for a first offense of underage drinking?

Definitely: 27.8% Probably: 29.4% Probably Not: 25.8% Definitely Not: 17%

Would you confront a friend and involve your House Advisor for a repeat offense, knowing that it could result in an Honor Council hearing?

Definitely: 20.1% Probably: 45.4% Probably Not: 23.2% Definitely Not: 11.3%

If you are under 21, how often have you consumed alcoholic beverages in the past year?

Never: 37.1% Once or Twice: 25.3% About once per month: 3.6% More than once per month: 5.2% Weekly: 4.1% Not Applicable (I'm 21 or older): 24.7%

Does your House contribute to building a community of honor on campus?

Definitely: 44.8% Somewhat: 49.5% Definitely Not: 5.7%

If a disillusioned peer asked your opinion about the legitimacy of our Honor System, would you defend it?

Definitely: 36.1% Probably: 39.2% Probably Not: 13.9% Definitely Not: 10.8%