Thirty-nine students donate blood to Red Cross


Although only half of the required 60 students showed, the event was still successful. Photo by Brian Stewart. Financial District, NEW YORK--The House of Clara Barton hosted a blood drive in the City Room Feb. 23 after being moved from its original Feb. 9 date due to Blizzard Nemo.

Almost 40 students attended the drive, including The House of Churchill’s President Brandon Trotter (’13) and Student Body President candidate A.J. Aran (’14).

Many students donated for the first time, including Aran. “I was freaking out, but it wasn't bad when I got on the cot,” he said.

Donors received a small heart shaped pin for their donations, along with much needed refreshments and snacks.

The process was similar to a doctor’s appointment. After donors sign up and read the guidelines, a nurse will check their vitals and provide a quick assessment. If the donor passes the assessments, he or she lies down on the cot to give blood. The needle gives a slight pinch, and some donors squeezed a stress ball for several minutes until the procedure finished.

Stephen Berry ('16) waits to have his blood drawn. Photo by Brian Stewart.

One nurse from the Long Island location, Jennifer, said that five days after the donation, students could call the American Red Cross Blood Services number and present their donation ID to find their exact blood type or with concerns about post-donation health. The blood donated on Saturday will be stored away and used for emergency transfusions.

Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross after the Civil War, and donations to the Red Cross have helped saved millions of lives since its founding.

Barton’s Helmsman Carly Calhoun (’15) was satisfied with the turnout of people. From a relief standpoint, she pointed out the significance of blood typing and its effect on the increase of lives saved.