A Night in the Stars: King's Hosts Second Two Cents with Danielle Callier and Joshua Hershey
Photo credit to The King’s College.
On Nov. 2, King’s hosted its second Two Cents event of the semester. Sam Klozik, Director of Student Events on the Council, moderated the event, with guests Danielle Callier, Director of Guest Experience, and Joshua Hershey, Assistant Professor of Science and Philosophy at King’s.
With the theme of “A Night in the Stars,” Klozik started the event by asking the two speakers why outer space and the stars were so appealing.
After sharing a quick story about his first telescope, Hershey said that one of the most magical experiences was first seeing Saturn and its rings. Callier chimed in adding that her high school planetarium also gave her a similar experience.
Klozik moved from questions about space to more general questions to the guests.
Callier was asked first if she had any pet birds at home. She responded that she does have two parakeets, one named Cloud and the other November.
The next question asked the speakers which chore they wished could be done at the snap of their fingers, to which both responded either laundry or daily decluttering.
“I still haven’t folded my clothes after washing them almost three weeks ago,” said Callier. “It’s almost time to take it all back to the laundromat.”
Klozik paused on the comedic questions, turning to some more geared to their personal lives.
“What is your most memorable family tradition?” Klozik asked.
“This may sound selfish, but my birthday,” said Callier. “It’s on New Year’s Eve, so as a cultural tradition, we would empty out our fridge and use everything that would be good in soup...one big pot of squash soup that is eaten on January 1st.”
“Mine would be our ‘Anti-Halloween’ or how we like to call it ‘Hershey Treating,’” said Hershey. “We go and give our friends and family candy instead.”
The next question posed was, “What is your favorite place in the world?”
“Thailand,” Hershey answered.
Klozik then asked, “What was your side hustle in high school?”
Callier said she was not proud of it, but she wrote papers and did her friends’ homework.
“I would never do that now,” she quickly told the audience, adding a wink at the end.
Hershey shared how he worked for his dad’s remodeling business as a contractor. This job ended up proving useful in his later years as a short-term roofing contractor.
Lastly, Klozik asked the guests what advice they would give to the freshman class.
“Just enjoy learning,” Callier said. “Chase after the learning instead of a grade.”
“Remember that learning is not just about receiving a certificate that you completed a course,” Hershey said.