After Unprecedented Tie, Phillips Nabs SBP Election By 11 Votes
|| Photo courtesy of Colin Phillips
After the first tie in SBP election history, Dean Leady announced that Colin Phillips won the race by 11 votes on Feb. 28.
“I thought it was funny, honestly,” Phillips said in response to the initial tie between him and candidate Madelynn Kaufmann. “I went in and I would’ve been fine with whatever happened because I respect Maddie immensely.”
After the tie, King’s administration reopened voting to students who didn’t vote in the original run-off election. The final results were released that afternoon at 4:30 pm.
Phillips and Kaufmann were in class following the announcement of the tie, not allowing them to campaign during the day to those who hadn’t possibly voted yet.
As soon as he heard the final vote, a wave of relief rushed over him.
“It was a stressful day,” Phillips said. “Obviously, things weren’t over and it’s only just begun, but that chapter is over.
His next step will be to choose a Cabinet. He hopes to have the Cabinet chosen a month after receiving applications from potential Cabinet members.
“Building my team is the first step,” Phillips said. “They are core to what happens throughout the year.”
He explained how he hopes to find a group of people who share a common vision and the same devotion to the good of the student body.
Applications for the Cabinet will be released this Monday, Mar. 9.
After the Cabinet application process, Phillips plans to start planning for major events like the new Fall Day Away for the remaining part of this semester and the summer, or what he identifies as, “the off season.”
“For me, a huge part is going to be commitment over the summer, outlining what we want to do and identifying everything that needs to be proposed and just sticking to it all throughout next year,” Phillips said. “Reacting to what we need to when it comes, and just being ready to support the student body.”
EST reached out to Kaufmann and she chose not to comment at this time.