Book Launch Seeks to Answer the Questions of World Religions
Photo from The Media Lab
Acclaimed author and a college professor, Dr. Peter Kreeft, championed the importance of religion and the relationships between world religions during his speech at The King's College for his new book, "Between One Faith And Another."
“Religion is the most important thing in human life,” Kreeft said. “The vast majority of all human beings in the history of the world, in all times, places and cultures, have thought that religion was the single most important dimension, aspect, or ingredient in their lives.”
Kreeft is a professor of philosophy at The Boston College and teaches adjunct courses at The King’s College. He has written more than 75 books, all touching on Christian apologetics, philosophy and theology.
Kreeft is a towering figure in many Catholic circles, where his books are read for Christian education purposes. He has commuted from Boston to New York for several years to teach philosophy classes at King’s. He is often seen playing chess and pool with King’s students during his breaks between classes.
While Kreeft attempts to find answers in his book, he admits there is no certain truth.
"Between One Faith and Another," is derived from a course he previously taught. The book seeks to answer a question he is frequently asked, “how do each of the world religions relate to each other?”
In pursuit of answering this question, Kreeft discussed whether world religions actually contradict each other, lead to the same place or are completely different.
“A horse and a donkey can mate and produce a mule, but the mule is infertile,” Kreeft said. “A lion and a tiger can mate and produce a liger, but the liger is infertile. But different species of dogs can mate and other creatures cannot mate at all, for instance, an inchworm and a horse. So, the issue of whether the religions of the world contradict each other, compliment each other, or are just different, is the fundamental issue in comparative religions.”
While Kreeft attempts to find answers in his book, he admits there is no certain truth.
“People who start this book, who are convinced this question is an important question, and are convinced there are objective truths and answers to good questions, expect that at the end I’ll finally pull the cat out of the hat and say ‘here is the knock ‘em down, drag ‘em out, best answer and my proof,’ and you might be disappointed that I do not do that,” Kreeft said.
Any expectations aside, the book’s goal is to cast a light on the questions surrounding differing world religions, not to crank out an answer for all questions. Kreeft believes that one paramount lesson in philosophy is to admit we do not know the answers. As educated individuals, it is our duty to investigate and search for truth, he stated.
Kathryn Brooks, a sophomore at The King’s College, agreed that the exploration of other world religions is a worthy pursuit. “As Christians, we should be looking at other faiths and have these deep pondering questions,” Brooks said. “Humans have questions.”
"Between One Faith and Another" is not closing the door on the question of how religions relate to one another, but rather opening doors for other conversations to be discussed.