The Table Announces Monthly Ally Initiative

The Table releases new Ally Initiative enabling all students of The King’s College to engage in conversation about race. I I Photo Credit to The Table

The Table releases new Ally Initiative enabling all students of The King’s College to engage in conversation about race. I I Photo Credit to The Table

The Table, King’s own student organization devoted to facilitating a sense of belonging for students of color, recently released a new facet of the organization called the Ally Initiative. 

The Table’s definition of being an ally is based on that of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU). The OPSEU defines being an ally as much more than simply sympathizing with victims of discrimination and being against inequalities and injustices. Being an ally means being willing to act with and for others all to benefit the pursuit of equality in society. 

The Ally Initiative would allow all King’s students to engage in productive conversation on race and equality. With the ultimate goal to make King’s a more diverse and inclusive environment, the Table will be hosting monthly meetings that allow students from all backgrounds to come and join the conversation on race and diversity in education, all rooted in Christ. 

“The Ally Initiative is open to anyone,” said Shà Sanders, a member of the Table’s executive team. “The best way to be apart is simply to come and take part in the conversation. To grow in any mission we must be humble in our pursuit of knowledge and progress.”

I I Photo Credit to The Table

I I Photo Credit to The Table

 The Table created the Ally Initiative an an attempt to advance The Table’s overall engagement with the school this year. The Ally Initiative will take place during lunch monthly, with the hopes that more students, regardless of race, sex, and background, will be able to come and be a part of this discussion of equality and justice.

 “We don't expect everyone to be social justice warriors,” Sanders said. “We simply ask for a united front in the midst of racism, prejudices, and injustices.”

 The first meeting, taking place on October 17 in room 626, will begin at the beginning of the lunch block.

Each meeting will begin with the reading of Scripture and prayer, enabling a Christ-centered conversation. Next, a member of The Table executive team will give a brief overview of the topic relating to equality and justice being discussed on that very day, and then there will be an opportunity to think and answer the predetermined questions as an entire group. 

 “The desired goal for the Ally Initiative is to start a conversation that is very much needed,” Sanders said. “Through structured conversations and events we hope to foster a discussion rooted in Christ on the topic of race. The ultimate goal is to build a more inclusive, welcoming King's community.”